What Your Face Says About Your Future: Face Reading To Thrive During The Year of the Ox

What Your Face Says About Your Future: Face Reading To Thrive During The Year of the Ox

The 2021 New Year is a symbolic time to reflect upon the past and set goals for the future. While our motivation from January may be fading, the Chinese New Year provides us with a fresh opportunity to reevaluate our goals and lay the foundation for a successful year. As we say goodbye to 2020 and leave behind the Year of the Rat, we enter the Year of the Metal Ox, transitioning into a year of security and stability.

The change in zodiac and element during the Lunar New Year holds significant meaning in Chinese tradition, helping to foreshadow and guide the year ahead. Understand - the Year of the Yin Metal Ox can offer you guidance throughout this Chinese New Year, but it won’t do the work for you! The change occurs when you take the qualities of the Yin Metal Ox and apply them to your own personality and characteristics. Understanding your unique qualities in relation to those of the Yin Metal Ox will help you in your decision making and understanding your thought processes, ultimately helping you to grow and thrive this upcoming Lunar New Year. 

But, how can you interpret your own qualities and understand them in relation to the Chinese New Year?

By utilizing the powers of Face Reading at Beauty Point by Point. 

Can Your Face Determine Your 2021 Future?

Face Reading is a diagnostic tool used in Chinese Medicine to find out the health, mind, spirit, and psychology of a person. Face Reading can help soul work and personal growth by utilizing the 5 elements and qualities of yin yang to reveal the hidden treasures and truths of who you are as a person. The five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal) show up on your face and in your personality, shaping your decisions, actions, and emotions.  

By understanding your innate characteristics, you can understand how to best respond to the world around you. Through Face Reading at Beauty Point by Point, discover your strongest element and what dominates your operating system. Use this knowledge to deepen your self discovery and build healthy harmonious relationships. These qualities show up in your facial features, and Face Reading reveals your hidden truths.

Are you more yin or yang? Are you a fire type with fun, mischievous, and spontaneous qualities? Or are you water - deep, introspective, and mysterious? Will your innate qualities set you up for success this upcoming year? Or are your weaknesses dominating?

The Year of The Ox: The Characteristics of 2021 

Understanding your qualities through Face Reading can help you fine-tune your strengths and weaknesses in relation to the qualities of the Yin Metal Ox. Just as you’re born with innate qualities, each Chinese New Year is born with its own personality and characteristics, too! 

Zodiac: The Dependable Ox

This Lunar New Year is represented by the dependable and strong zodiac of the Ox. The Ox is a strong farm animal, known to be hard working and consistent in nature. This can bring steady energy and resilience, something we could all use more of after this past year! 

Review the blueprints of your life - what areas could you enhance or grow? The Lunar New Year is the time to acknowledge your values and continue to move forward with your goals. Face Reading will help you understand how to embrace your strengths, while the dependable and resilient nature of the Ox will help execute them and cultivate long term success.  

It’s about the resilience and patient nature of the Ox that will support your success in 2021 - be like an Ox. 

Element: Metal 

The 2021 Lunar New Year is a metal element. As a metal, the Ox carries the energy of high values which may come across as judgement, often leading to conflicts and misunderstandings. This element is also our connection to Father Heaven, so consider metal as a father type. How could you apply the qualities of masculine love, accountability, rule making, and validation into your life? Understanding your personality with Face Reading, how could this affect the different areas in your life? 

Pay attention when you begin to feel drowned or too strict in our natures. This might be an indication you need to invite in the aspects of fire! When feeling heavy and stuck, do something fun with passion that cultivates connection with yourself! Find spontaneity, light-heartedness and connection in things. This will soften the strict confinement of metal.

Metal in Face Reading represents our lifestyles and how assertive or closed off one might become. A Face Reading at Beauty Point By Point can interpret this through the cheek bones, nose, and spaces between features. 

Yin in Nature 

Yin is about introspection, depth, slowness, and patience. It can be heavy and mysterious as it moves like water and reminds you to go with the flow. Face Reading can help determine which aspects of your personality are Yin or Yang in nature, helping to prevent stagnation and guide your actions throughout the Lunar New Year. 

Keep in mind the energy of Yin Metal can cause restriction and stagnation. As you do a deeper self-inventory with acknowledgement, remember to find gratitude and embrace joy, passion, and connection. Doing so will help transcend the heaviness and restriction of the Yin Metal Ox!

Guidance Into The New Year With Face Reading

Face Reading will provide you with the opportunity to look within and acknowledge your gifts. Take these gifts and make them even better by understanding how to play upon your strengths and weaknesses during the 2021 Chinese New Year.

Fine tune qualities and areas in your life, making this Lunar New Year more efficient and meaningful. Your future is all over your face and Beauty Point By Point is waiting to read it. Send in 3 Photos and Book a Face Reading today! 

Learn more about Face Reading.

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